Bringing people together with orderly worship consistent with scripture through prayer and fellowship in Christ.

Upcoming Sermon

Sunday February 9, 2025
‘A Loving Response to a Sad Condition’
James 5:19-20
Pastor Chris Moulton

Published Sermons
Upcoming Sermon

Location and Service Times

2511 North Logan Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Light Lunch: 12:00 p.m.
Sunday School: 12:30 p.m.

Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
(fellowship dinner: 6:00 p.m.)

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Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

We are a confessional church that holds to the Three Forms of Unity: the Reformed doctrinal statements consisting of the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt.

Our ConfessionsWhat is the Church for?

Connect with us

The best way to connect with us is to simply attend our worship service on Sunday and stay around for the light lunch and fellowship afterwards.

We also live stream our Sunday Services on our Facebook page, and provide recordings of the messages preached on Sunday and the studies held on Wednesday via Sermon Audio.

Sermon Audio
Connect with us


Trinity Covenant Reformed Church is an organic member of the Reformed Church in the United States, one of America’s oldest denominations.

Our HistoryThe R.C.U.S.

Church Government


Trinity Covenant Reformed Church practices the form of church government called Reformed (or Presbyterian) polity. This means that the church is ruled by a plurality of elders that are mutually responsible to each other in Christ. In the R.C.U.S., this is implemented by men called to serve in the offices of minister, elder, and deacon who together form the Consistory and the Spiritual Council.

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Meet our Leadership

  • Adam Kortrey has been a member of TCRC for over ten years and has served as a deacon for four of those years. He works as a software engineer and enjoys the outdoors, climbing peaks, backpacking, and snowboarding in his spare time.

    Adam Kortrey
  • In addition to serving as a deacon, Heath enjoys spending time with his family, trail running, and reading.

    Heath Schroeder
  • In addition to serving as an elder, Will enjoys (and praises God for) his family and friends. He has an avid zeal for outdoor activities and water sports, serving as a Sunday school teacher, and can be handy in construction and computers.

    Will Brouwer
  • In addition to serving as an elder, Josh enjoys spending time with his family, working on his model trains and rc cars, and playing board games and video games when he is not preparing his next Sunday School lesson.

    Joshua Berg
  • In addition to serving as a pastor, Chris enjoys spending time with my wife and their 12 grandchildren as well as skiing, fishing, hiking, and taking in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

    Chris Moulton

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