Secret Sisters
Attention Ladies! Please submit your Secret Sister questionnaire to me no later than March 20th. If you have not received your copy yet, let me know and I will get one to you!! –Nancy
All of the ladies of Trinity Covenant (HS graduates and above) are invited to participate in this activity of caring and sharing with other sisters in Christ.
You will each be given a ‘sister’ that you will need to pray for and encourage. It is wonderful to have someone that prays for you daily and who sends you an encouraging note from time to time. We’ll be keeping our ‘sister’ a secret, so don’t let anyone know who you have. Of course it may be fun for you to guess as we go along.
Please submit the completed questionnaires to Nancy Berg no later than March 20, 2016. We will have sisters assigned no later than April 3, 2016. We will meet our Secret Sister in October or November 2016.
What are Your Responsibilities if you participate in the Secret Sisters program?
1. Know that it is a commitment. The woman you are assigned will be expecting you to uphold her in your prayers and she should be able to rely on you for encouragement.
2. Pray daily for your sister. Get to know her needs and her family’s needs so that you may pray specifically for them.
3. Use the “All About Me” questionnaire she filled out to get to know more about her.
4. Be an encouragement to your sister. Send her cards or notes of encouragement AT LEAST once a month. Gifts are not required. If you choose to purchase something, please keep the item to $5 or less. Homemade gifts are always welcome!
5. Remember your sister on her special occasions. Don’t forget to send cards for her birthday and anniversary or special landmarks in your sister’s life.
6. Keep it a secret! Don’t let anyone know whom you have. Leave your cards or notes in the Secret Sister Box in the church library. Be sure to place her name on the outside.
If you prefer to send a note by mail, you can use the church’s address as the return address:
Trinity Covenant Reformed Church, 2511 N Logan Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.
7. If you have a prayer request you’d like to make your sister aware of, please leave a note in the Secret Sister Prayer Request Box in the library labeled, “To The Secret Sister of: (insert your name here) .
Above all, have fun and enjoy getting to know your sisters! Take joy in knowing God can use your kindness and encouragement to strengthen one another!
“… a word spoken in due season, how good it is! Proverbs 15:23.