We live in Rogers, AR and are friends with. your Uncle Dennis Owens. I have talked to him about his soul before. He called earlier tonight and he had listened to your sermon today, gave me and the web address. He wants to know what I think. We listened to it and I think it was a very good sermon! Praying Dennis and his wife will receive Christ before it is too late. Glad you were able to witness to your step dad.. We won’t always know on this side of Heaven what the results are of our witness. God bless you, Bro.
We live in Rogers, AR and are friends with. your Uncle Dennis Owens. I have talked to him about his soul before. He called earlier tonight and he had listened to your sermon today, gave me and the web address. He wants to know what I think. We listened to it and I think it was a very good sermon! Praying Dennis and his wife will receive Christ before it is too late. Glad you were able to witness to your step dad.. We won’t always know on this side of Heaven what the results are of our witness. God bless you, Bro.