

  • Chris Moulton


  • Joshua Berg
  • Will Brouwer
  • Jesse Smith


  • Taylor Finnicum
  • Adam Kortrey
  • Heath Schroeder
  • Gary LaCerte (inactive)

More about them

In addition to serving as a pastor, Chris enjoys spending time with my wife and their 12 grandchildren as well as skiing, fishing, hiking, and taking in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

Chris Moulton

In addition to serving as an elder, Josh enjoys spending time with his family, working on his model trains and rc cars, and playing board games and video games when he is not preparing his next Sunday School lesson.

Joshua Berg

In addition to serving as an elder, Will enjoys (and praises God for) his family and friends. He has an avid zeal for outdoor activities and water sports, serving as a Sunday school teacher, and can be handy in construction and computers.

Will Brouwer

In addition to serving as a deacon, Heath enjoys spending time with his family, trail running, and reading.

Heath Schroeder

Adam Kortrey has been a member of TCRC for over ten years and has served as a deacon for four of those years. He works as a software engineer and enjoys the outdoors, climbing peaks, backpacking, and snowboarding in his spare time.

Adam Kortrey

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